
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The message behind green business holiday cards

No, not green as in "red and green" and Christmas colors. Green as in recycled and soy inks and certified paper... all that ecolabeling.

If your company is claiming to be green or earth-minded, the company Christmas cards you send need to be green, too.

Choosing an earth-friendly greeting card says several things to your customers, including:

  • Your actions match what you say, so you are a company with integrity.

  • You understand the concept of limited resources and are doing your part to conserve, so you are a company with heart.

  • You have taken the time to reach out and share a message with your clients/customers/employees while at the same time not adding to the waste stream, so you are a company that thinks ahead.

Whether you choose a clearly eco-friendly card like the one above (100% recycled and certified) with a green message, or opt for something more subtle, make sure the cards you choose are genuinely green. The positive power of green is nothing compared to the destructive image a greenwashing label will create!